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Hi-Pod Video

Cut Throat

Set Up

  • Two teams
  • Four lines on each end line with gk's 
  • Double the 18


  • The Blue team starts with a ball from their right post.  All four blues run out to attack.
  • Four Reds step out to defend.
  • Players play 4v4
  • If a ball goes over the endline (whether it is a goal or missed shot) the team whose endline the ball went over, leaves the field 
  • Four new Reds bring on a ball and attack the Blues
  • If the ball goes over the side line, both teams are out and the team who did not play the ball out of bounds, brings on the new ball.

Key Points


  • Change lanes and change speeds
  • Take your pictures
  • Attackers need to be wider than the defenders
  • Hit your window
  • If you cannot attack, escape




1v1 to 2v2

Set Up

  • 2 Teams
  • Each team forms 2 lines at the post of the goal they are defending
  • Opposite lines have the soccer balls
  • To begin the players with the balls pass at the same time to the players across form them and run out to defend the girl that she just passed the ball to.
  • These players go 1v1 trying to score on the goal they are attacking
  • Once a goal is scored or the ball goes out of bounds the game becomes 2v2 as long as the other ball is in play.
    (If the goalie makes a save, she rolls the ball out to her teammates and the ball is still in play.) 

Key Points:

  • Start with basic ball striking repetition.  Use dummy defenders.
    • Low far post, bend the ball, fake and shot, one touch shot ect
  • Vary up what you are doing.  Shoot from distance to set up the fake shot and move in closer
  • Set up your moves so you are in a good shooting position
  • Create the window
  • Use the defender as a screen 



3v2 to 4v3

Set Up

  • Blue Team and Yellow Team
  • Goals were 40 yards apart and we played the entire width


  • Yellow defender on the side line dribbles a ball out and plays it to one of the attacking Blue players.
  • Second yellow defender starts up in the middle of the grid.
  • The Blues attack 3v2
  • After a shot is taken or the defenders win the ball, the next two Yellow's join the game to create a 4v3
    • If the first ball is still in play, via goalie save or defenders winning the ball, they continue to use that ball. 
  • If the ball was scored or is out of play the Yellow player on the right post brings on a new ball.
  • Offside is in effect

Key Points

  • Change lanes and change speed
  • Use the width of the field to create early crosses
    • The defenders will defend the area in front of the goal first, so if you bounce out wide you can play an early cross 
    • If the defenders start to defend the wide players, you will be able to play split passes down the middle
  • Prepare yourself to score or set up a goal with your run


Set Up

  • Gates are arranged in a triangle
  • Each person has a partner
  • While one partner is competing the other is resting
  • Partners tag in and out of the game
  • +1 point for each gate that is dribbled through


I) 2v2+2

Set Up

  • Grid is 10x15  
    • You can make it longer than normal to really have to focus on moving out of the one area with the ball and into another part of the field
  • Everyone has a partner.  Each grid has a Blue team, Red, Team, and Green team.


  • The two Blues on the side hit one touch passes back and forth
  • The Red player in the gate, times when to intercept a pass
    • As the game progresses the players hitting one touches can try to score in the gate with a one touch if they read when the defender is going to try to intercept their pass
  • When the Red player intercepts the pass, she plays it to her teammate on the far side of the grid
  • The two Blues now become defenders in the grid
  • The two Green neutrals are now live as well
  • The Red's and Green's go 4v2 and try to score on the far gate
  • If the Blue's win the ball, they are 4v2 with the neutrals trying to score

Key Points

  • Quality one touch passes
  • Recogniztion of the process of defending
    1. Win the ball and play the first person you 
    2. That player plays the next player quickly
    3. Work to create splits