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Continuing The Movement- Training January, 18

Missing: Blitz, Gaffer, Amber, AJ, Bella, Kari
Add: Sophie, AT, Jayden
Total: 14 

I. 4 Person Diamond Pattern

  • 1 Ball and 2 times each way for 1 minute each

II. 6 Person Pattern

  • 1 ball 2 times each way for 1 minute each
  • 2 balls 1 time each way for 1 minute

III. 2v2 With 4 Targets

Target Players: Rachel, LK, Browni, Becks, Jayden, Sonic
Orange Team: Milli, Lydia, Stoker, AT, (When we go to 3 add LK)
Green Team: Lara, Babo, Sizzle, Jazzy (When we go to 3 add Browni)

IIIb. 8 players are playing, the other 6 are doing the Diamond pattern with 2 balls.  We play for 2 minutes, make a coaching point for everyone to see.  Then play another 2 minutes and switch groups.

IV. 3v3 With 4 Targets   

V. 6v6 Three Grid Scrimmage 


Creating Pockets of Space- Training January 16

I. 4 person patterns

II. 2v2 With 4 Neutrals

III. 3v3 with 4 Neutrals

IV. 3 Grid Scrimmage


Functional Training of the Center Mids

I picked this session up at the 2011 NSCAA Convention.  The session was presented by Janet Rayfield.

I. Finding The Pockets of Space- 1v3 with 6 Targets

Set Up

  • 1 Blue center mid inside the grid
  • 6 Blue targets on the outside of the grid
  • 3 Red defenders inside of the grid


  • The blue targets move the ball around the outside of the grid and look to play a pass into their center mid
  • The reds defend the pass into the center mid

Make It Competitive

+1 point for the blues if they can play the ball into their center mid
+2 points for the blues if they can play the ball into their center mid and she can play it back to the person that the pass came from
+3 points for the blues if they can play the ball into their center mid and she can play the ball to someone different than the player who passed the ball to her

+1 point for the defenders if they can steal the ball and complete one pass.  When the ball is won by the defending team, all of the attacking team comes into the grid to defend 

Key Points For The Center Mids

  • Find the pocket of space that allows you to receive the ball and penetrate/switch the field with your next pass.  Think about where you are passing the ball to and move to get the ball in a way that will allow you to switch the field.
  • Look for the pocket of space away from the ball.  5 yard passes do not allow you to switch the field very easily.
  • Look for the center mid in the transition moments from defending to attack.  Remember, the center mid is who you are looking for every time you receive the ball.
  • Movement by the outside players will help to create pockets of space and passing lanes for the center mid.
  • Outside players have to recognize when a pocket is going to be open and be ready to play the ball.

II) Progression of Finding The Pockets

Same set up but we switch up the point scale.  You will need lots of soccer balls because now the defenders can try to win the ball from the outside players.  Anytime the ball goes out of bounds, the attackers get to start with the ball.

Attacking Points

+1 if the attackers can complete 8 passes in a row (target players still stay on the outside of the grid)
+1 point if you find the center mid and they play it back to the person that the pass came from
+3 points if you find the center mid and she can find someone besides the person who passed the ball to her with her pass 

Defending Points

+1 point if the attackers lose the ball out of bounds
+1 point if the defenders win the ball and can complete two passes 

Key Points

  • When you are in a pocket and you are under pressure, use your body to shield the ball and turn to switch the field
  • As you accelerate into a pocket to get the ball you need to decelerate when you receive it so you can turn and switch the field


Continuing The Movement- Training January, 11

Total Players: 14
Missing: Amber, Gaffer, Lydia, Bella, AJ 
Guests: Jaden, AT 

I) 4v4 +2 

  • 5 pass possession
    • 4x3 min games
    • Team that is sitting out is doing pattern work

II) 3 Grid Game

  1. Play to end zones with hands
  2. Play to end zones with feet
  3. Play to goal

No Smash Training Begins- Training January 7th

The No Smash Rule will be in effect all training today.  If you have a smash your team will lose one point and the other team will get possession of the ball.

I. 4v4 Possession
15 minutes 

Make It Competitive

+1 point for every 5 passes 

II. Straight Diagonal Keep Away
15 minutes 

Set Up

  • Grid is 15x15 or 20x20 depending on the number of players you are using
  • Cones are spaced out every 5 yards to create the side line of the grid
  • Two teams of 4-6 players


  • Play keep away in the grid
  • After 5 passes you must play a Straight/Diagonal through the gates that surround the grid
  • The pass and run must be timed where the runner cannot leave the grid before the pass

Straight Run Diagonal Pass

 Straight Pass Diagonal Run


  • Play directional and give each team an end zone to attack. 
  • Add in second grid around the outside where they have to get control of the ball before it goes out of the grid so you are working on the weight of the pass and timing of the run.

III. 3 Grid Possession Game To End Zones
30 minutes 

Set Up

  • Field is 30x25 yards divided into three 10x25 yard grids with end zones at each end
  • Each team starts with 3 players in their defensive 1/3, 2 players in the middle 1/3, and one player in the attacking grid


  • The Blue team starts with the ball in their defensive third and attempts to score a point by dribbling into the end zone or passing the ball to a teammate running into the end zone
  • Attacking players may move up a grid any time the ball moves up a grid
  • Defending players must stay in their grids

Player Movement Variations

  • Attacking players may only move up a grid if they pass the ball
  • Attacking players may only move up a grid if they are not the one passing the ball
  • Players may switch grids if one player checks into a grid while another player runs through into the attacking grid

Variations To The Game

  • Once players get the hang of the game, they cannot play a pass back to the grid where the ball came from
  • Players may not play a pass into the grid that they are in
  • Play that the middle grid is one touch only
  • Play Straight Diagonal into the end zone


  • Play to Goal


 Change The Starting Numbers In Each Grid To Focus On Different Positions

  • Play with 2 or 3 forwards to work on their movement
  • Play with 2 defenders- 2 wide players - 1 center mid- 1 fwd to work on on the wide players movement between the grids
  • Play with 4 defenders to work on the back 4 movement
  • Play with 3 Center mids

IV. 10v10 Scrimmage