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Hi-Pod Video

Video Analysis

I am a firm believer in the fact that watching high level soccer plays a HUGE role in the overall development of the young soccer player.  I have encouraged every group of girls that I have coached to watch as much soccer as they could, and even mandated (as best I could) attendance to local collegiate and pro games in our area.  Going as a group to an event like this is a great team bonding experience in and of itself, with the added benefit of helping the girls (and their parents!) see how the game is really played. 

This year I'm trying something different with the girls by implementing what I'm calling Video Analysis into our weekly training routine.  On of the girls dads on the team graciously offered up a video projector for us to use, as well as a portable screen.  Add in his daughter's mini-DVD player with a mini-remote control and my laser pointer, and we're off and running!

There are a number of benefits to this Video Analysis.  Not only are the girls now "forced" to watch high level soccer on a weekly basis, but moreover, they are watching with me there.  I can pause, slow down, rewind, rewind, and rewind the video again in order highlight what I feel is appropriate/needed.

I fully realize the attention span of the girls I'm dealing with and have no hesitation to say that if we sat down to watch an entire 90 minute game, I would lose almost all the girls after 10 minutes.  So, at this point we only watch goal highlight videos.  These goals 1) keep the girls interested for the 30 minutes we are sitting in front of the screen, and 2) provide plenty of coaching moments for us to analyze, from creative build up attacking play to simple finishing technique, from pinpoint passing and crossing to horrible defensive breakdowns, there is everything that I need.  We usually get through 6 to 8 goals a week.